This fast moving read contains three short stories set in the holiday season. Opening with “No Place To Spend Christmas” where coming through a window in the middle of the night is not the best way to get help. But, that is what he did as he had a definite reason. He needs her help and Alexis Reedy knows some folks to contact. This story was also in the 2009 anthology The Gift of Murder edited by John M. Floyd.

It is the night before Christmas Eve and Hannibal is exhausted as he has been up since 5 am when his day started in Baltimore. Finally back in Washington around midnight, he has taken a wrong turn or two and gone out of his normal way home.  More than a little annoyed and dead dog tired, his reflexes aren’t the best when the man staggers out into the street in front of his car. Hannibal misses him, but will see him again in “Mystery on Capital Street.”

It is supposed to be a quiet evening at home for Hannibal and Cindy. That was until the knock at his door in “A Mom Christmas.” A little girl by the name of Margarita is on the doorstep. Eight or nine years old she tells them that her Mom desperately needs Hannibal’s help and sent her to him. Good choice.

Hannibal Jones Mystery: Christmas Short Stories is fast moving and highly entertaining collection. The three stories here do little to detail the background of the Hannibal Jones character as that is the work of the early novels. Instead, the focus here is on the mysteries as well as the actions of some nefarious folks who don’t take seasonal breaks or believe in the concept of goodwill toward all mankind.

Hannibal Jones Mystery: Christmas Short Stories
Austin S. Camacho
Intrigue Publishing, LLC
November 2014
37 Pages

Material was picked up early last month to read and review by way of funds in my Amazon Associate account.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2016

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