Review: HIGH COUNTRY NOCTURNE (A David Mapstone Mystery) by Jon Talton

The latest David Mapstone mystery finds Mapstone lamenting a city that is no more as well as wondering what the heck is going on with his business partner, Mike Peralta. The former Maricopa County Sheriff and Mapstone run a private investigator business that does the occasional security type job such as transporting diamonds.  Peralta was on one such job earlier in the day.

A job that went very strange as Peralta apparently shot the guard that he was working with and stole the diamonds. In the hours since a major investigation spearheaded by the FBI has been launched and a manhunt is underway. All the FBI has managed to do so far, after grilling both Mapstone and Peralta’s wife, Sharon, and doing a lot of searching is finding a business card that has a note on it from Peralta stating that Mapstone had nothing to do with the theft and for him to stay out of it.

As if that would ever happen.

This is just the tip of a multi tentacled octopus that has Mapstone and his wife, Lindsey in the crosshairs. The result is one of the best books in the series in years as it has plenty of action, complexity, and suspense. No review will do this book justice. In the series that began years ago with Concrete Desert author Jon Talton takes readers on one incredible ride in High Country Nocturne: A David Mapstone mystery.

Very much recommended.

High Country Nocturne: A David Mapstone Mystery
Jon Talton
Poisoned Pen Press
Hardback (available in e-book, paperback, and audio formats)
326 Pages

Material obtained by way of the Plano Public Library System.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2015

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