Category Archives: Author Reveal

Author Reveal for October/Fall 2015 Issue

After careful review and much discussion, Brandon and I have selected the stories for the first issue, which goes live October 2015. All of the authors have been notified and it’s now time to reveal their identities in a segment we’ll call “Author Reveal”.

So, without further suspense, here’s the line-up of authors whose work will appear in the debut issue of Flash Bang Mysteries (arranged alphabetically by last name):

Michael Bracken

Warren Bull

Lida Bushloper

Barry Ergang

R.T. Lawton

Stephen D. Rogers

Albert Tucher

Jim Wilsky

It’s an all-star cast, for sure, and we’re honored they submitted their work for consideration. They are the ones who will make this first issue GREAT!

The Editors,
BJ and Brandon Bourg